For more than 10 years, Significant Elements has been home to Work Preserve, Historic Ithaca’s job readiness and placement program. Participants build transferable job skills, confidence, and independence through hands-on work at Significant Elements.
Work Preserve offers personalized, one-on-one and small group training in the 6-week Job Readiness program. After completing Job Readiness, participants are eligible to continue in Work Preserve’s 3-6 month Job Placement program with the goal of securing a job. During training, participants set employment goals, build a resume, practice interviewing, and apply for jobs, all with the support of Work Preserve’s staff.

Michael started Work Preserve in July 2019 after graduating from BOCES. With WP guidance, Michael opened a bank account, learned to navigate the bus routes to work, and took driving classes. In early 2020, he was hired at the Cornell Store, achieving his goal of working in retail. A year later, he’s thriving in his job. Michael proudly acknowledges his success, independence, and the confidence he gained from Work Preserve.

Enrollment in Work Preserve is offered on a rolling basis year-round, with a 3-4 person cohort taking part in a 6-week summer program specifically for youth ages 14-20.
Participants must be Tompkins County residents who are new workers, under/unemployed, or experience other barriers to employment. Priority is given to low-to-moderate income residents of the City of Ithaca.
To learn more, contact us at info@historicithaca.org or 607.277.3450 .
Click below to learn more about Work Preserve’s community partners:

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well-trained entry-level employees?
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Work Preserve Employment Partner?